Trinity Presbyterian Church Podcast (Spartanburg, SC)
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Trinity Family Conference 2022 | 4. Fatherhood and Failure | Dr. Renton Rathbun
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
This year’s Trinity Family Conference focuses on one of the family’s most attacked and villainized positions: the father. Our conference is designed to help families address real problems men face in leading the home as well as arming them with the tools to continue the work of fatherhood in a spiritual war against the original Father.Fatherhood and FailureDr. Renton RathbunGodly fathers long to see their children grow up to be godly adults. We may have even sacrificed extensively for them to realize that end. And yet, 64% of our children walk away from the faith—walk away from all we have taught them. But God is not finished with them, and God is not finished with us.Renton Rathbun is an elder at Trinity Presbyterian Church. He is a professor in the School of Religion at Bob Jones University and the director of the new Center for Biblical Worldview. The Center for Biblical Worldview helps faculty members and students integrate a biblical worldview into every aspect of campus life. Renton holds a Ph.D. in Apologetics from Westminster Theological Seminary. He and his wife, April, have three children.
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
This year’s Trinity Family Conference focuses on one of the family’s most attacked and villainized positions: the father. Our conference is designed to help families address real problems men face in leading the home as well as arming them with the tools to continue the work of fatherhood in a spiritual war against the original Father.
Fatherhood and the Need for FriendshipRev. Andrew DionneFriendships between men are more difficult today than in previous generations. The sexualization of nearly all relationships has been devastating to men’s friendships. Anthony Esolen, in his good essay “A Requiem for Friendship,” writes:
More than ever do men need to come together to eat and drink and argue and think, because more than ever their work separates them from each other; but now they are virtually forbidden to do so. It is but more of the devastation wrought by the sexual revolution.
Our fatherhood, fraught with adversity and relentless challenges to our faith, requires the steady encouragement and committed correction that comes from strong friendships. After all, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Prov. 17:17).Andrew Dionne began his pastorate at Trinity Presbyterian Church (Evangel Presbytery) in August 2011. He was ordained in the PCA’s Great Lakes Presbytery in Nov. 2004. From 2004 to 2011, Andrew served as a pastor at Christ the Word Church in Toledo, OH. Andrew received his M.Div. in 2004 after earning a doctorate in music composition from Indiana University. He currently serves as president of New Geneva Academy. He and his wife, Sarah, have been married for twenty-three years and have six children.
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Trinity Family Conference 2022 | 2. Fatherhood and Loss | Rev. Joseph Bayly
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
This year’s Trinity Family Conference focuses on one of the family’s most attacked and villainized positions: the father. Our conference is designed to help families address real problems men face in leading the home as well as arming them with the tools to continue the work of fatherhood in a spiritual war against the original Father. Fatherhood and LossRev. Joseph BaylyGod does not comfort us like a mother. He comforts us like a father. When fathers encounter loss, they need their heavenly Father. The road toward recovering from loss cannot be walked without our God's gracious work. Loss can teach us about the fatherhood of God and the fatherhood God expects from us.Joseph is the senior pastor of Christ Church (Evangel Presbytery) in Cincinnati, OH. He and his wife, Heidi, have six children: Tate, Eliza Jane, Moses, Fiona, Annabel, and Peter. He graduated from Vanderbilt University with a degree in computer science and Ancient Mediterranean studies. He then studied at New Geneva Academy, graduating in 2008. In 2009 he moved with his family to Indianapolis and planted Clearnote Indy with David Abu-Sara. In 2015 he moved his family to Cincinnati, together with several others, to plant Christ Church.
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
This year’s Trinity Family Conference focuses on one of the family’s most attacked and villainized positions: the father. Our conference is designed to help families address real problems men face in leading the home as well as arming them with the tools to continue the work of fatherhood in a spiritual war against the original Father. Fatherhood and the Loneliness of LeadershipRev. Andrew HalseyIt’s lonely at the top. Fathers are charged with leading their families through the crossfire between the world, the flesh, and the devil. At times a man’s enemies are the members of his own household. The point man is the first to face enemy fire and the most vulnerable should those entrusted to his care reject his leadership. How do we live with this lonely reality? The God who calls us to this work will Himself equip us for this work. We can press on by faith because we have all we need in Christ, in His Word, and in His church.Andrew Halsey is a church planter in Evangel Presbytery, currently working to build Christ Church in Columbus, IN. Andrew was ordained in the PCA after earning an M.Div at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS. For over a decade he served as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Charleston, MS. He and his wife, Grace, have five children.